Rae Wijaya

Entrepreneur, Tutor, Coach, and Translator

Ratih Kusuma Wijaya, 23
she / her
Batam, Indonesia
Bachelor of Education
Languages : Bahasa Indonesia, English, Korean, and passive French.
A compassionate, student-minded English & Korean educator and private tutor, with five years of experience teaching English to various ages as a foreign language and a translator.The owner, founder, and tutor of a startup company REC Academy (studywithrae), that provides English and Korean as foreign language lessons for online and offline tutoring services.

Experiences● REC Academy (studywithrae) – Tanjungpinang, Indonesia. 2018 - present
The owner, founder, and tutor of a startup company that provides English & Korean as foreign language lessons for online and offline tutoring services.
Participants come from various ages regardless of status and age. Conducted offline and online using systematically arranged materials and meetings.
● The Sanchaya Resort Private Luxury – Bintan Island, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia. May 2017
Housekeeping Administrative Assistant
Selected intern to carry out an internship for 3 months to follow the procedures of the Vocational High School.
● Gadjah Mada University – August – November 2022
English Agritech Study Club.
A tutor and a mentor of an English Study Club at Gadjah Mada University for three months.
● Schoolfess' TOEFL Preparation Tutor
June 2023 - present
● Jakarta State University – Jakarta, Indonesia. May 2019
National Speech Competition
Third runner-up in the competition held on behalf of the university.
● University of Bengkulu – Bengkulu, Indonesia. October 2019
SEC-IONAIRE Debate Competition
Participant in the competition held on behalf of the university.
● University of Riau – Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia. November 2019
National University Debate Competition
Participant in the competition held on behalf of the university.
● English Camp – April 24 – May 10, 2021
● English Class (Break the Tenses) – July 11, 2021
● English Class (It’s Tea Time) – August 1, 2021
● English Class (Into the Fairy Tale) – September 25, 2021
● TelePodcast English Grammar Class – January 29, 2022
● English for Traveling – November 6, 2022
● Does Accent Matter? - April 7, 2023
A tutor of an intensive English class in collaboration with le.tutor and schfess, startup companies.
● Intensive English Class (Dive into Six Tenses) – March 4 – March 29, 2022
● Intensive Speaking Class Batch 1 – April 1 – April 25, 2022
● Intensive Speaking Class Batch 2 – June 3 – June 29, 2022
● English Class (Improve Your 4 English Skills) – August 2 – September 2, 2022
● English Fluency Sharing & Tips with Foreigner - May 6, 2023
A tutor of an intensive English class hosted by studywithrae, a startup company.
● SDN 008 Tanjungpinang Kota – Tanjungpinang, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia. July – October 2021
Running the Campus Teaching program by teaching and creating teaching materials for students.
● Stimuler AI Speech Coach - October 2023 - present
Promoting Stimuler application to Indonesian audiences as Indonesia Promotion Team

Improve Your 4 English Skills"This is my first English class and I'm grateful to be able to join your class. Dari cara ngajar Miss Rae yang santai bikin aku enjoy banget! dan tampilan ppt yang juga ga bikin bosen baca materi. dan the way you always give me compliments makes me more confident. ❤️
Thank you so much Miss I hope I can attend another class with you ❤️"
"Aku bener-bener enjoy sama kelasnya, cara ngajar miss rae seruu banget dan cara dia ngebawain materi juga mudah buat di pahami! and she’s really nicee omgg 😭💌💌💌 love the class so muchh!! 🥺💟💟💟💟 <3""Seneng banget belajar bareng miss rae! I do really love the way she teaches us! Miss Rae baik bangett, sabar buat bantuin aku yang kadang masi salah huhuhu. Semua materi tentang tenses gampang banget dipelajarinya karena langsung practice jadi lebih mudah buat dipahamin dan diterapin! and yaa aku kira cuma belajar grammar aja loh, ternyata engga dong, komplit banget ada practice writing, speaking, and listening section too! Selain itu juga aku banyak dapet pengetahuan baru yang belum aku tau sebelumnya tentang tenses! overal 1000000/10 !! thank you so much miss rae 😊❤️""Miss rae thank you so much, thank you for giving such an amazing experience in studying english, i have a lot of fun activites in your english speeking class, i learn a lot and i improving my english skill because of you. And thank you for making me brave and confident enough to talk in english. You're the best teacher that i ever met💗💗 i hope i can joining your class soon, so happy to have you as my teacher💗💗""I really enjoy learning with miss rae, she is very good at explaining things in detail and clearly. I learned a lot, not only about knowledge of english but how to appreciate, teach, and build student involvement and activeness in their learning. she's a good teacher.""Seneng banget bisa nemu kelas miss rae, karena sama miss rae aku jadi percaya diri lagi buat menggunakan bahasa inggrisku. selain itu miss rae juga menjelaskan dengan lembut dan tidak terburu buru jadi saya bisa lebih mengerti dari pada sebelumnya. emang sih inggrisku ga langsung jadi bagus banget dengan kelas ini, tapi setidaknya aku sudah merasa jauh lebih baik dari pada sebelum ikut kelas ini.""This is the second time i joined mrs. rae's class and it is as great. as. ever. i did not regret anything. the way she explain things is so detailed at the point where i can understand it crystal clear and even if i didnt, she'll try every single way to make me understand 😤❤️ i also love the way she always respect and humble to every single of her students which makes me and also the others feel really comfortable with her (つ≧▽≦)つ""Honestly, this is my first time taking an English course. so I thought the lessons would be as tense and stiff as studying at school, but it wasn't at all 😁 because Miss Rae teaches casually, and the explanations are also easy for me to understand. Next time, I have to take a course here again 😁 i'll miss your class miss 😅""1.Belajar bahasa dengan suasana yang menyenangkan dan enjoy.
2. Karena jumlah siswanya dibatasi jadi lebih kondusif dan penyampaian materi dari Miss Rae mudah dipahami dan detail.
3. Membantu banget untuk yang ingin belajar Bahasa Inggris namun terhalang jarak, jadi membantu sekali"
"Thankyou miss🙏 penyampaian materinya sangat mudah untuk dipahami, materinya sudah pernah diajarkan di sekolah tapi entah kenapa disaat mengikuti kelas miss rae saya lebih paham mungkin bahasa yang digunakan lebih mudah untuk paham dan saya bisa menambah vocab, mengetahui perbedaan makna dari suatu vocab itu sendiri""Miss I just wanna say, thank youu Miss Rae for all the things you've done for me, I really enjoyed your class, and I'm really happy to be part of your class. You're so kind person, you're pretty, you're so patient to teach me, I realized my vocab growing up and also my speaking skills, you are so friendly, at first I thought it can be bored class cause I choose a private class which is only you and me, but it's not true. It's a fun and delightful class. Miss always has one thousand games, and interesting things, you taught so great and flagrantly, and also you have challenging challenges. You always give me a compliment it makes me increase my power to be more confident 🥺💖""So much fun and i can learn with out afraid of being wrong, miss rae always gives appreciation for every improvement we make it means a lot for me! Thank you so much miss rae.""It doesn't need any more testimonial. I would really like to take her class again if i have the chance. For anyone reading this because they are hesitant to join Miss Rae's class, stop thinking and register now!!!!!""Ms. Rae ngajarnya enak banget dan sabar banget untuk aku yang pemula yang bener-bener mulai dari nol dan susah nangkep pelajaran. Ms. Rae selalu ngasih tips dan trik membuat bahasa inggris jadi lebih gampang di mengerti dan mudah di ingat dengan cara penjelasan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah di mengerti dan di pahami. Selain itu, Ms. Rae mengajar kaya temen gitu jadi lebih asik dan enjoy, Dan misalnya kita kurang paham dan belum mengerti Ms. Rae akan mengulang penjelasan sangat sabar hingga kita benar-benar mengerti.""Miss Rae orang yang punya positive vibes banget, bisa keliatan hanya dari wajah nya aja. I'm so glad and happy karena bisa ketemu online class Miss Rae di Tik Tok. Selama belajar Bahasa Inggris aku belum pernah bisa sepaham dan sesenang ini pas lagi belajar, setiap kelas yang diajar Miss Rae selalu terasa cepet banget selesai nya karena emang se-fun itu belajar sama Miss Rae. Miss Rae juga gak pernah ngejudge Bahasa Inggris anak didiknya dan itu bikin aku jadi makin ngerasa percaya diri setelah selesai ngikutin kelas disini, thank you Miss Rae buat semua kerja kerasnya selama ngajar!"-Pelajar / Mahasiswa / Pekerja -

Webinar : English Class Tenses"Pertama kalinya aku dapet tutor gratis english seseru ini! Cara mengajar Miss Rae asik dan mudah dipahami, aku jadi termotivasi buat mendalami belajar english lagi. Beneran, soon aku mau ngajak temen buat take a class bareng di le tutor. Se-worth it itu sih, makasiih ilmunya love you kakak<3.""Kesan aku beneran takjub dengan cara pengajaran Miss Ratih 😭❤ Demi apapun aku baru kuliah sem 2 yang menuju sem 3, namun baru kali ini bisa enjoy dan nyimak dengan tenang serta mudah dipahami dalam tense. Miss ramah senyum 🥺🥺✨you're so kind!!!! I'm proud of you miss! ❤🥺Aku yakin yang ikut dari awal pasti mereka senang dengan cara pengajaran miss yang to the point begitu""Makasih banget kak webinarnya, aku bener-bener paham banget sama ajaran dari Miss Rae karena hal yang disampaikan jelas banget dan mudah dipahami. Disajikan juga ppt yang lucu banget, apalagi setiap babnya dikasih example/contoh, kita-kita diperkenankan untuk berpartisipasi juga dalam menjawab soal yang diberikan <3""Ms. Rae ngajarnya enak banget, santai gitu tapi bener-bener detail. Terus juga dikasih tips untuk beberapa tenses kalo misal kita bingung ngerjainnya, penjelasannya juga simple banget dan mudah dipahami. Ms. Rae juga baik bangettt"-Pelajar / Mahasiswa / Pekerja -

Intensive Speaking Class Batch 1"So happy and fun ikut kelas miss rae. Ketemu banyak temen baru dari daerah dan umur berbeda kupikir awalnya bakal awkward, but Im totally wrong bgtttt ternyata seseru itu bisa ngobrol dan maen game banyak banget yang bisa dilakuin di setiap kelas semua kebagian ngomong dan nggak ada yang saling judge satu sama lain malah support. Semua nggak bakal bisa supportive gitu kalo nggak ada tutor yang memanage waktu dan permainan biar saling akrab dan nggak malu ngomong. Pokoknya seru bgt aku suka dan ngerasa sedih kalo harus kelewat kelas. Thank you miss rae sudah ngumpulin kami dalam satu kelas dan bikin kami akrab serta mau saling belajar ngomong akrab satu sama lain! So happyyyyyy""Selama ngikutin intensive speaking class with miss rae aku jadi percaya diri buat berlatih berbicara dalam berbahasa inggi, aku keseringan pake bhs indo tpi missnya selalu bilang "gapapa" karena blm bnyk yg ku ketahui vocabnya but this class aku dapetin kosa kata baru disetiap harinya. Gak bosen sama materinya because we are talking like a friend and fun ada gamesnya juga sekaligus disini aku dapetin banyak teman. Thank youu so much miss rae, in the next class i hope i can follow ur clsss!! Luvvv💗💗""im very grateful to join this ISC Batch 1, this class is very helpful and fun. you don't have to be afraid. just be yourself, Miss Rae will help you understand and explain the material. we are not only speaking but we are learning speaking while playing games. selama ikut bacth Miss rae gapernah ngerasa rugi sekali pun, percaya deh sekali ikut kelas Miss rae kamu bakal ketagihan😭. Insyaallah aku bakal ikut keals Miss rae lagii, nabung dulu hihi! ILYSM MISS RAEE🤍, IM SO PROUD TO KNOW A REALLY GREAT TEACHER LIKE YOU🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍""I missed one class and had eight meetings in total. I was really looking forward to the speaking class with Miss Rae every Friday and Sunday night! It's a lot of fun because each game and challenge is made to be extremely pleasant , so there's no pressure when you're doing it. Miss Rae explains every aspect of the subject in such an easy and understandable manner. She's very intelligent, patient, friendly, and super pretty. I learned a lot about how to speak more effectively and how to maintain confidence when speaking English. Thank you, Miss Rae, for your excellent instruction!💗""out of every online English class I've ever attended, this class is the best! we learned lots of things while having so much fun! Ms. Rae is also the greatest and sweetest teacher I've ever seen."-Pelajar / Mahasiswa / Pekerja -

Event : English Camp"Gampang dimengerti, jelasinnya tidak kemana-mana dan kakaknya juga baik banget.""Tutornya baik bangett, sabar, cara penyampaian juga gampang dimengerti, dapet feedback jugaa, ga nyesel deh ikut English Camp.""Ikut English Camp di le tutor sangat useful! Karena udah lama banget ga belajar grammar, pas ngulang lagi jadi seru dan ga lupa lagi! Plus tutornya yang enak banget ngajarinnya 👍 Very welcome, no pressure jadinya pas ikut kelas online-nya. Pokoknya seru deh.. Thank u le tutor!""Selama belajar bahasa inggris di le tutor kemampuan bahasa inggrisku jadi lebih meningkat, cara menjelaskan Miss Rae juga mudah dipahami. Admin n miss yang ngajar juga baik banget bisa di-chat kapanpun kalau masih ada materi yang belum dipahami + bisa tanya-tanya di luar materi juga (*˙˘˙)♡"-Pelajar / Mahasiswa / Pekerja -

Webinar : Into The Fairy Tale"Materi yang dibawakan singkat dan padat, tutor membawakan dengan jelas dan komunikatif.""Seru bangettt! Materinya menarik dan cara penyampaiannya sangat mudah dimengerti.""Senengg, kelasnya menarik dan interaktif.""Kelasnya seru, penyampaian materinya simple dan mudah dipahami."-Mahasiswa / Pekerja / Jobseeker -

TelePodcast : English Grammar Class"AAA I REALLY HELPED WITH THIS CLASS TONIGHT! thank you ms.rae and I really enjoyed it!""Thanks Ms. It's really fun and great. If I had an english teacher like this maybe I would prefer to learn english than math.""It was really fun and I absolutely really enjoy it. Thankyou so muchhhhh""Massive thank you for Miss rae and all of the admin that held this section. I am happy even just sit and listen to her voice. But I'm excited bs Miss Rae is such a nice person with good personality., she's very patient and humble. A little bit shocked that She mention one direction there and I'm a directioners too. Thanks a bunch for the motivation Miss Rae! I also can't wait for the next telepodcast from Chill English!!""I am glad I join this class and I hope there will be more class with ms. rae. Thank you so much I really enjoy this!!"-Pekerja / Mahasiswa / Pelajar -

Intensive English Class : Tenses Batch 1"Baru kali ini belajar bahasa Inggris bisa seseru ini dan mudah dimengerti. Miss Rae sabarr bgtt mengajari kami sampai kami lebih paham. Tidak hanya cara mengajarnya yg tidak kaku dan asik, tampilan ppt nya pun sangat menarik. Kelas ini paket lengkap, diawali dengan pre-test, lalu ada latihan soal, listening, speaking, dan diakhiri dengan post-test. Terima kasih ya miss Rae sudah mengajari kami bahasa Inggris terutama tentang tenses.☺️🙏🏻 Sukses terus yaa buat miss Rae🤍""Oh hai miss rae! Im so blessed because i can be a member of your class. You are so easy to make me understand a grammar theory. I was remember a lot of new verb and to be, so I can upgrade my speaking's skill too. You make easy and funny classroom so I can't feel bored or wanna skip your class miss. Thank you for twitter so I can find way to be ur student in my old age. See you in the next class miss xoxo :333""miss rae ngajar nyaa enak bangett, maksud nya gampang banget buat dimengerti, terus baik bangett, materi nya juga ga ngebosenin dan mudah dipahami teruss miss rae cantik bangett hehehe jadi tambah semangat buat belajar nya love u miss♥️♥️""Miss rae terima kasih banyak. Aku gak pernah mau skip kelas miss karena tiap belajar seru banget. Materi yang dijelaskan jadi keliatan mudah. Miss menjelaskan juga sangat jelas, ppt keren, ada listening speaking, vocabulary aku jadi nambah banyak. Coba aja guru di sekolah aku miss rae pasti nilai aku tinggi hehehe love you miss rae! Nanti aku ikut lagi kelas miss jangan bosan ya miss"-Pelajar / Mahasiswa / Pekerja -

Webinar : English Class Conditional Sentences"PARAHHH EMANG LE TUTOR PALING DABESTTTT<3 APALAGI SAMA MISS RAEEE NIEE TUTOR FAV AKU BETULL🤩🤩 Ngejelasinnya bikin pahamm, pliss aku udah 2 kali ngikut class-nya le tutor dan kelas english-nya Kak Rae dongg🤩🤩Pokoknya luffff banget dehhh!!!! Ngejelasinnya ramah + mudah dipahami, nanti kalo ada free class lagi harus ikut sih!!!💗💗💗💗 Semangat terus le tutor semua makin jaya dan sukses!!!""Saya tidak menyesal untuk bergabung ke kelas ini. Kelas ini benar-benar bagus, bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya yang selama ini buntu, tutornya mengajar dengan sangat baik, materi yang dibawakan juga bagus. Biayanya sangat affordable, sebagai pelajar, hal ini sangat membantu.""This is my first class in english, i've been learning english by myself all the times since i've graduated from school. The presentation is really easy for me to understand and the way Miss Rae in explaining is just cool. Thank you so much I hope I'll attend another class or tea time with le tutor♡"-Pelajar / Mahasiswa / Pekerja -

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